I founded THIS MAMA DOES in 2016. Having worked in film & TV for 13 years, I’d spent over a decade telling stories. Then when I became a mother, suddenly I felt invisible. My story was all about someone else now and I felt like I was just expected to sink away quietly into a pile of laundry (after washing it, obviously). And when people asked me how motherhood was, I felt like I was supposed to say it was brilliant, when mostly it just felt like an endless bum wiping exercise!
Because the little people themselves of course are WONDERFUL, but some days they are also sleeptwats and little sense-of-humour-sapping dictators who wipe their own shit up the walls! And that gets a bit old when you’re stuck in the house with them on your own and they do it for the 27th time that afternoon…
But then I had the idea for THIS MAMA DOES cards – funny parenting milestone cards that can help tell a story, make a statement, perhaps send a little SOS into the world with a smile, where there might otherwise be lonely meltdown. A chance to laugh with other parents in the solidarity of sleepless nights and shitmageddons. Because the kids might be all kinds of wonderful, but the parents doing all the snot-wiping and tantrum negotiating on 3 hours of sleep and 4 cups of coffee are pretty fab too!
This Mama Does, not this mama can or this mama will, THIS MAMA DOES. Because all mamas do incredible things every day for the little people they love. Sometimes they just need wine as well.
Christina Pickworth, This Mama Does
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